Pileset - Complete Piles Care
Price : ₹--.00 MRP : ₹1260/-
Product Description
Herbal Solution for Piles Management
Discover Pileset, a meticulously blended formulation crafted with a combination of potent ingredients including Neem, Mahanimb, Kaharwa Pishti, Daruhaldi, Gambhari Chhal, Khoon Kharaba, Shudh Suhaga, and Raswanti. Designed to address various grades of piles, including prolapsed hemorrhoids, Pileset offers comprehensive care and relief.
Instructions of supplements
- Neem Leaf Extract: Neem's phyto-nutrients, including protoberberine and Butyric & Tartaric Acids, provide purgative, anti-spasmodic, and anti-viral properties. Benefits: Purgative support, anti-spasmodic action.
- Mahanimbh Extract: Mahanimb contributes to gut health and provides soothing properties. Benefits: Gut health support, soothing relief.
- Daruhaldi Extract: Daruhaldi possesses anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Benefits: Anti-inflammatory action, bacterial defense.
- Triphala Extract: Triphala aids in digestion, softens stool, and supports smooth bowel movements. Benefits: Digestive aid, stool softener.
- Gambhari Chaal Extract: Gambhari Chaal addresses gut discomfort and promotes gut well-being. Benefits: Gut discomfort relief, gut support.
- Surankand Extract: Surankand contributes to managing digestive concerns and supporting gut health. Benefits: Digestive support, gut wellness.
- Sanaay Extract: Sanaay assists in promoting smooth gut functioning and digestive ease. Benefits: Smooth digestion, digestive comfort.
- Khoon Kharaba Extract: Khoon Kharaba contributes to addressing bleeding and promoting gut comfort. Benefits: Bleeding relief, gut support.
- Harre Extract: Harre aids in improving digestion and supporting overall gut health. Benefits: Digestive improvement, gut well-being.
- Kaharwa Pishti: Kaharwa Pishti provides cooling properties and supports gut wellness. Benefits: Cooling effect, gut support.
- Shudha Suhaga: Shudha Suhaga supports gut comfort and addresses digestive concerns. Benefits: Gut comfort, digestive support.
- Shubhra Bhasma: Shubhra Bhasma contributes to soothing discomfort and promoting gut health. Benefits: Soothing relief, gut wellness.
- Rasvanti: Rasvanti supports overall gut wellness and digestive ease. Benefits: Gut wellness, digestive comfort.
- Comprehensive Piles Care: Pileset addresses various types of piles, both internal and external.
- Bleeding Relief: The formulation helps halt bleeding and offers pain compensation, promoting smoother gut function.
- Digestive Support: Pileset aids digestion and supports soft stool, contributing to gut well-being.
- Infection Management: The ingredients target infections in the rectum, anal canal, and hemorrhoids.
Yes, Pileset is formulated to provide relief for various grades of piles, including prolapsed hemorrhoids.
Pileset's blend of ingredients aims to halt bleeding, alleviate pain, and promote smoother gut function.
Yes, Pileset is designed to address both internal and external types of piles.